Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Photo Shoot

Olivia is now 5 months old, and, to celebrate, we had a small photo shoot. She is doing really well and growing soooo fast. She can now roll around a bit and scoots herself around a little. She is talking a lot and enjoys making lots of noise. And she absolutely loves to eat EVERYTHING. If she can reach it, she puts it in her mouth. For instance, she puts my hair in her mouth, my shirt I'm wearing, she chews on my fingers, my watch. And, if she is on the floor by me she will try to put my toes in her mouth. Don't worry, that's where I draw the line.

By the end she was tuckered out. I guess being photographed is exhausting.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Haha that last picture is hilarious! She is so cute! I miss Macee being that little, lol...