Monday, September 22, 2008

Once You Go Mac, You Can't Go Back

Being a PC user my entire life, I never knew or understood the magical world of Macintosh (this may help: Mac tour). About a month ago Johnathan and I decided to take the plunge and buy a Mac. Experiencing frustration with our PC's ability to move as slowly as possible about drove us mental. And so, the result of our frustration brought a Mac to the family. Let me tell you, Johnathan and I couldn't have been more happy with our purchase. The computer has lightning speed, superb features, and technologically advance applications. So, if anyone is in the market looking for a new computer, I highly suggest investing in a Mac. After all, it's all Veronica Mars uses, what more reason do you need?


kelsey said...

You sound like a proud parent! The mac does look apealing, especially as my computer is possibly the slowest known to man. And if I ever was to be persuaded by an endorsement, it would have to be by Veronica Mars. In the past I've made several decisions based on what I think she would do, why should computer purchases be any diferent? Good call guys, good call.

sandy said...

we started out on Macs and now have both. Both are FUN. I need your email so I can invite you to our blog :) Sandy