Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Very Merry Unbirthday to You!

I know this is a few weeks late but Johnathan had his 24th birthday on the 7th of this month. So, happy birthday Johnathan! We went to the Sizzler, birthday boy's choice. I think he mostly wanted to go there because he loves the quote from "Heavyweights" when Josh says, "I went to the sizzler, got the all you can eat meal, closed the place." In Arizona there aren't many, if any, Sizzler's around. So, we took advantage. Then, we celebrated at home with Johnathan's favorite dessert, chocolate gooey cookies. Below is a picture of Johnathan on his big day.



kelsey said...

He definitely looks wiser. And with those pearls of wisdom he was giving me over the phone on his birthday, I KNOW he is. Happy birthday Jonathan.

I like the new, festive background!

Sydney Vivian Lambson said...

I think there is actually a reason there are no sizzlers in Arizona, didn't they get sued one time by the state... or something... my mom told me something like that one time.
But i love the candle.