Friday, March 6, 2009

Socializing is Inevitable

For those of you who know me well you know I am not a very social person. I mean can a girl help that she was born shy? However, my ward and calling is forcing me to not only socialize, but plan the socializing. It all began a couple weeks ago when my bishop asked if I would be willing to work on the enrichment committee. When one doesn't like organized fun the word entrichment brings up emotions of fear. After I calmed myself down, however, I eventually thought it wouldn't be too bad. Yesterday someone in the Relief Society asked me if I could come to her house to talk about the calling and pick up my folder. I went over and soon after our meeting started I realized, with some horror, that I was not only on the committee but was the leader. As we continued to talk I just tried to brush it off like it was previously known that I was the leader. As I began to think about it I was a little freaked out. I've never lead anything and I'm not very social. Now I need to lead people in the socializing. What to do, what to do. . .

P.S. Despite my fear, I am glad for the opportunity. I am a woman now and should learn not fear socializing and organized fun.


kelsey said...

I wish I had sage wisdom to pass on to you, but we all know I am just as socially handicapped. Instead, I settled with generic words of encouragement: you can do it!

Minharos said...

Embrace the woman inside you and go for it. To quote Matthew and Lindsay's latest blog post: dance as if no one is watching.