Friday, March 20, 2009

You're About to Forget the Whole Thing. . .

. . . Then all at once, it's Spring! I hope that everyone had a fabulous first day of Spring. In Seven Brides For Seven Brothers they celebrate Spring by climbing tress, holding animals, frolicking through fields, and sitting over meadows ( while singing mind you). Although I'm not doing
any of those things (not for a lack of wanting to), I am happy to report that the weather is getting warmer, all the snow is gone, and today I spotted green buds on a tree. Seeing green buds on the first day of Spring is rather romantic and put a lot of hope in my heart that the green scenery I love will be among us again soon. Welcome Spring and all the lovely things you bring with you!

1 comment:

kelsey said...

You never really appreciate spring until you live through a terrible snowy winter. Now that I get it , I miss the delight that comes from seeing those first green buds! Enjoy for me.